Awesome trip down to San Diego recently. We stayed in La Jolla right on the ocean. We jammed a lot in a few days. There’s a ton to do there depending on what you like but here’s some fun things we enjoyed doing.
La Jolla
We had a blast here, it’s one of my favorite ocean areas. Cool restaurants, shops, vendors, and the views are amazing of course. We saw dolphins swimming and surfing with seals. There’s so many birds like pelicans, hummingbirds, sandpipers, gulls, and even some turkey vultures in the area, flying high.
Farmers Market in Little Italy

San Diego Zoo
The zoo was great! It was rainy but we went anyway and we were very happy we did. The animals were all out playing in the rain. The crowds were very minimal and we got to move around the park very quickly. I recommend going in the rain.

Point Loma
Awesome place to spend the day. You can take a ferry over or just drive. We took the ferry and it was fun. It leaves on the hour from downtown, and on the half-hour from Coronado. Cool shops and great food. The hotel Del Coronado is beautiful and suggest walking around and seeing all the woodwork and style they have there. Go hunt for sand dollars out in front of the hotel, I have found many here.
Point Loma
Cool area to explore, watch for the tides to get to the tide pools at the right time. Kinda sandy so wear appropriate footwear to avoid a bad experience. I wear flops a lot of the time… but I’m strange, people say. The lighthouse was really interesting to see. They made an area to see the lenses up close.